if this is the case, you should always use python3 hello.py. hello.py NB: Most Mac computers come preinstalled with python 2 and 3. For this tutorial, it is going to be python. Type in the name of the script to run it. If you are looking to execute the commands, this post can help. This command will change the directory of the folder so that the OS can locate and execute it. Keep in mind, this program doesn't actually execute the system commands, it just prints to the console. In how many minutes would you like to sleep? 10 I've made a couple changes below to get a working example: class Sleep(object): Once you’ve entered the commands, save the file with the COMMAND file extension. Open a new text file and enter all the commands that you want to run.
You’ll need to make sure that your terminal’s working directory is the directory that contains your python script, or give the full path to the script.

All you need to do is type python followed by the script name. macOS comes with a built-in text editor in the form of TextEdit. Once your Python script is created it’s super easy to run it from the terminal or command line. You can create the script in any text editor.
#type " 'nano' nameFile.py" in terminal to view code Ex: 'nano namefile.py' #check python version in terminal: python -version #command to cancel sleep: sudo systemsetup -setcomputersleep Never. #command for sleep: sudo systemsetup -setcomputersleep 60 #sleepAide: user enters a number to put the computer to sleep If you however want the script to run only when terminal window is opened and not in any other case, then you can use one of the two other options: You can add the line bash -i at the end of your script and then use the following command to start terminal: gnome-terminal -e /path/to/your/script (you may even edit the menu option that launches. I planned on importing 'pyautogui' to get all that portion done but is there something better. Then we can run php code code using the following command: php filename. Goto the specified folder or directory where php files are present. You just follow the steps to run PHP program using command line.
Once this is figured out would there be a more useful way to get the program to enter the 'timeAide' & 'cancelSleep' strings into the terminal plus enter Mac password. After installation of PHP, we are ready to run PHP code through command line. It will run without error but nothing happens when executed in terminal. Running in Python shell it does what it is supposed to.

I am trying to execute Python scripts in terminal.